Class photos only

  • Class groups from about 9am in any order you wish, staff group timing to suit.
  • We require a list of class names and any sport/cultural groups that you wish to have photographed so as we can print the name boards for the front of the groups.

Class and Individuals

  • We photograph every child individually, unless the parent asks for their child not to be photographed.  Please put something in your school newsletter to advise parents that photos will be taken on the given date.
  • Individual photographs are taken immediately after each class photo.

Class, Individual and siblings

  • We will provide a form to be sent home for parents to opt in for the sibling photos (these are the brothers / sisters within the school).  Please advise us of the number of forms required.  These need to be returned to the school and collated on to your class lists so the eldest child collects their younger family members.
  • These photos will be taken after the individuals and are best done by working through the school, senior to junior classes.

Class, individual, sibling and families (including parents)

  • Family photos (these include anyone from outside the school) with pre-school, high-school and/or parents are photographed from about 8:30am depending on demand.
  • Once through all of these we start on class, individual and siblings as above.

Commission or non commission earning

  • A commission is available as a fundraiser for all schools on the following pro-rata basis.
  1. Sales above $1,000 – 10%
  • If you wish to move your regular booking time forward to between now and July, we will pay commission at 12% irrespective of sales volume.

On the day

  • We will endeavour to photograph outdoor whenever possible, only photographing indoors when necessary.  We usually need to begin our preparations about an hour before we start taking photos.
  • Each Students ‘position’ in the photo will be taken on the day of the photos. To Assist us we will need the school to provide a student list from every class 15-30 days before  photo day. This will mean we can produce the finished named photo without the need to request further details. This is also a good time to email us your school logo if we do not have it, or update us if it has changed

After the shoot.

  • We will then produce the order forms.  These order forms will have the class photo and individual photos on it along with the names as given to us.  These go home with the children to the parents.  This is the time for any corrections to happen with the spelling of the names.  Corrections should be emailed to us.
  • Completed order forms are returned to the school, and collected with the payments in the supplied envelopes.  A deadline must be set for this, we recommend no more than two weeks.
  • When all the orders are with the school, we can either collect them or provide a courier ticket for schools out of the Dunedin City area.
  • Completed photographs will be returned to the school usually within three weeks of us receiving the orders.
  • The school will receive a complimentary set of all class and staff group photos. Each staff member will receive a complimentary staff and class group photo.
  • Individual and Class photos can be supplied to the school for the different software solutions that you may be running and for archiving.
  • Where head shots of staff have been requested by the school, we will supply one hard copy image of each. Any additional images required are at half normal price.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us [Click Here].

Thank you again McRobie Studios.

McRobie Studios Dunedin

More Info

Please feel free to contact us with any questions or to get a quote for your photographic needs. You can use the form below to email us, simply fill in your details (Name, Email Address, Message required) and click ‘Submit”.

Note: If you haven’t heard from us within 24 hours please check your spam or junk box.

Address: 89 Bond Street, Dunedin City, Otago, 9016

Postal Address: Address: PO Box 11019 Musselburgh 9049 Dunedin

Studio Phone: +64 03 477 5801

Ray’s Mobile Phone: +64 027 227 8099

Business Hours: 8.30a-5.00p M-F

Get In Touch

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